In the past, in the rapidly constructed logistics industry, we are keen on the isolated single building cluster typologies, which are individually evidenced and functionally solidified. In the new era of development, we need to establish a new space system, which makes the function highly compound, it is flexible and versatile, and it is widely adapted to the demands of the new industrial era.

The site base is located in Zhengzhou Airport Economic Experimental Comprehensive Zone, near the G4 highway exit, which is an important traffic hub; the site is convenient to the airport and station, and is suitable for making logistics land.

Transfar 5G Smart Logistics Park project covers a total area of 131,175 square meters, with a project plot ratio of about 1.82 and a height limit of 40 meters. The project is dedicated to breaking the single building form of the original logistics park composition and moving from a closed logistics space to an open, high-quality urban space. It provides logistics services and living services while satisfying the composite diversity of functional composition.

The whole project is divided into large logistics area and small logistics storage area, as well as talent apartment office. The intelligent logistics warehouse is about 56,000 square meters, the corporate headquarters accounts for 36,000 square meters, and the small and medium-sized warehouses account for about 79,000 square meters. A 26,000 square meters of high-rise office, and 35,000 square meters of supporting apartments. It includes a 5g smart showroom of 1200 square meters, a central library of 1700 square meters, and a staff restaurant of 2380 square meters. and about 10,387 square meters of underground parking.

The concept is derived from the diamond embedded in the stone, which is used to express that Zhengzhou Airport is about to become a new transportation hub city in the Central Plains through decades of refinement. Combined with the overall planning and spatial layout, the project will provide open and high-quality public space around the city while meeting diversified functional needs, activating the surrounding city and truly becoming the core highlight area of the aviation port.

The irregular axes will be used to cut out the corporate headquarters, small logistics warehouses and large logistics warehouses. Several small triangular buildings cut by the axis are used as design nodes in the space – closely linking public cultural places and open urban spaces.

The buildings on the east side are 2 large logistics smart warehouses, which can also be used as large warehouse shopping, two-story high with 12 meters of floor height. It can be rented out and used as a mall or warehouse, similar to IKEA or Costco in terms of business model.

South side of the overall single building logistics warehouses, 4 floors, the first floor 8 meters, the whole building area of about 6000-8000 ranging, can be based on the original and then cut smaller units to meet the needs of small businesses. The cutting method can be 2000-3000 as a unit, which meets the space requirements of small enterprises in the current market. The building design responds to industrial upgrading and provides a combination of office products to meet the needs of different sizes in order to attract enterprises of different scales to settle in the aviation port and provide a diverse corporate ecological environment. The approach of the building façade carries out the whole design concept, emphasizing the contrast between the virtual and the real, and expressing the outer skin of the building in a holistic way. Create a new smart city exhibition hall.

Public space creation: Based on the design system of logistics unloading channel and pedestrian flow, the project creates two types of axes, pedestrian axis and landscape axis, and implants building and landscape nodes in the interaction position of both, creating a good echo relationship between the axes and encouraging users to participate in the building to realize the maximum value of public space. Specifically in the architectural design, we also pay attention to the creation of public spaces and maintain the adaptability of public functional spaces in the face of technological development. These spaces can be used not only for large-scale exhibitions and gatherings, but also for press conferences and outdoor interactive performances in conjunction with new technologies. We hope to maximize the value of the public space by increasing public participation, and effectively create the brightest “diamond” in the aviation port.

Project NameTransfar Logistic Park

Project AddressZhengzhou,China

Project TypeLogistic Land; office; storage

Year: 2019