The concept of “set” explores the complex relationship between human activities, human beings, and space, mapping out the multifaceted compilation and division of social labor. Individuals, groups reflecting on individuality and commonality; the framework is built upon the idea of “set”, integrating work and life, considering the function and aesthetic simultaneously. The design aims to create a symbiosis between architecture and people.

The project was meant to introduce mathematical thinking of “square”, which examines the creative presentation of space design based on three-dimensionalities: people, architecture, and nature. Such factors can span and intertwine, follow a specific system, and then seek a unique and subtle fit with each other.


Believing in process-oriented design, the project grasps the idea of generative design to explore the unknown form of architecture – the condensed architectural form presents the system in geometry. The ‘system’ reflects the response in the form to meets functional demands.


The “module” organization strategy is used to plan the spatial areas, and the geometric blocks are “assembled” to build functional density zones; different functional spaces are interrelated and interspersed to fit the users’ needs.

The “Set”|Nest

The concept of “nest” is derived from the original idea of “set” – echoing the demand of the talent incubation center, i.e., a place for individual activities and dwelling which allows for further interpretation for the whole architectural space. The image of “she” is a soft and apt form that melts into nature.

Focusing on the “cutting” of the building blocks, the light rhythm is constructed; the semi-open space in the center of the highest floor is shaped into a partially open floor, and the idea of “set” is continued to superimpose the space and obtain the further vertical extension.

The simple geometric massing and the abandonment of decoration advocating the return of materials itself; the subdivided spatial modules are independent of each other but closely related to each other, which integrally highlight the spatial context.

The single buildings and townhouses are juxtaposed and combined according to volume and building height, taking into account the change of light and shadow with time and the natural environment. The aggregation of massing emphasizes the scale of the building, yet subtly leaves room for the natural movement to permeate gently.

Using nature to reconcile the boundary between design and life, the solid of the building and the “virtual” of the space are in harmony and symbiosis. The fluid outline of greenery “white space” embraces nature, creating a public space for people and the park, and revealing a passionate attitude towards life.

The landscape is used as a language to express emotions, and through the natural and delicate brushstrokes, the texture of the surface is emphasized through the simple and clear shape and the regular composition; the craft details infused with rigorous spirit create a vivid image of beauty.


The design expression of “Set” is not only a workplace to accommodate people in a morphological sense; it integrates multi-dimensional thoughts with the intention of creating an impression of an experience in which people, architecture, and nature are integrated.

Ultimately, all factors contributing to the idea of a “nest” that “incubates” endless creativity.

Project NameHenan Innovation Incubation Base

Project AddressZhengzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Henan

Project TypeInnovation Incubation Base

Project Area101694.7


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